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Can anyone figure this out?

Asked by 8 years ago

script.Parent:WaitForChild("Handle"); local gearConfig = { gear = script.Parent, equipped = false, isSwinging = false, attackDeb = true, check = true, debris = game:GetService("Debris"), anims = { script.Parent:WaitForChild("Slash2Anim"), script.Parent:WaitForChild("Slash3Anim"), script.Parent:WaitForChild("Slash4Anim"), }, sounds = { script.Parent.Handle:WaitForChild("Slash1") }, readyAnims = {}, deb = 0.75, damage = 50 }; script.Parent.Handle.Touched:connect(function(hit) if hit.Parent~=game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character and hit.Name~="Handle" and hit.Name~="Effect" and gearConfig.isSwinging and gearConfig.attackDeb then local h=hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid"); local t=hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso"); if h~=nil and t~=nil and h.Health>0 then gearConfig.attackDeb = false; for i,v in ipairs(h:GetChildren()) do if v.Name=="creator" then v:remove(); end end local c ="ObjectValue", h); c.Name = "creator"; c.Value = game.Players.LocalPlayer; h:TakeDamage(gearConfig.damage); wait(0.05); gearConfig.attackDeb = true; end end end); gearConfig.gear.Unequipped:connect(function() gearConfig.equipped = false; end); gearConfig.gear.Equipped:connect(function(m) gearConfig.equipped = true; if (m ~= nil) then local human=script.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid"); for i=1, #gearConfig.anims do table.insert(gearConfig.readyAnims, human:LoadAnimation(gearConfig.anims[i])); end m.Button1Down:connect(function() if (gearConfig.check and human.Health > 0) then gearConfig.check = false; local a = math.random(1, #gearConfig.readyAnims); gearConfig.readyAnims[a]:Play(); gearConfig.sounds[math.random(1, #gearConfig.sounds)]:Play(); gearConfig.isSwinging = true; Spawn(function() wait(gearConfig.deb); gearConfig.check = true; end); repeat gearConfig.trail(); wait(0.085) until gearConfig.check or not gearConfig.equipped gearConfig.isSwinging = false; end end); m.Button1Up:connect(function() if (gearConfig.check and human.Health > 0) then end end); end end);

Error: Players.Player.Backpack.Fire Tribe.LocalScript:67: attempt to call field 'trail' (a nil value)

Could you give us where you define trail? Shawnyg 4330 — 8y
I added in the table so you can see. BuilderCosmic 43 — 8y

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