Hi! I'm New to LUA! I've been playing around with FOR.
==[What does the script do?]== When I enter stuff on the TextBox, it slowly types it in the TextLabel.
Here's the object Tree https://gyazo.com/931c9ff84ad0eba39d17955f9b5a673f
Script in textbox.
local scroll = script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("Main") script.Parent.FocusLost:connect(function(enterPressed) if enterPressed then Echo(script.Parent.Text) end end) function Echo(word) Echo(script.Parent.Text) for i=1,string.len(word) do scroll.Text=string.sub(word,1,i) wait(.05) end wait(2) scroll.Text="" end
It gives me: https://gyazo.com/c7429d99ab6ebb79ab897c63af8ad598 Stack Overflow. I never encounted this problem before, I have no idea how to fix it. @koolkid8099 told me "It's when a program tries to use more memory, than available."
Lua returns to output "stack overflow" usually when your trying to call a function from inside itself. To resolve this issue, remove line 12 of your code. Your attempting to call a function from inside itself which will trigger nothing but error. But in general,a stack overflow is a common problem faced when using stacks. It occurs when the stack grows larger than the area it has been allocated. However, there is no need to worry about a stack overflow since Lua is dynamic and will allocate more memory to the stack as needed, depending on what your doing
~~This is my perspective of it, Hope i helped