local maps = game:GetService("ServerStorage"):WaitForChild("Maps"); local bomb = game:GetService("ServerStorage"):WaitForChild("Bomb");
local roundTime = 100;
local tracker = game:GetService("Workspace"):WaitForChild("Trackers"); local timer = tracker:WaitForChild("Timer"); local owner = tracker:WaitForChild("Owner");
local currentMap, currentBomb;
-- function
function pickMap() if currentMap then currentMap:Destroy(); end; local maps = maps:GetChildren(); currentMap = maps[math.random(#maps)]:Clone(); currentMap.Parent = game:GetService("Workspace"); currentMap:MakeJoints(); end;
function loadCharacters() local players = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers(); local bombGuy = players[math.random(#players)]; for _, player in pairs(players) do player:LoadCharacter(); end; if currentBomb then currentBomb:Destroy(); end; currentBomb = bomb:Clone(); currentBomb.Parent = bombGuy.Character; end;
function startTimer(t) while t > 0 and game:GetService("Players").NumPlayers >= 2 do wait(1); t = t - 1; timer.Value = t; end; end;
function declareLoser() local msg = Instance.new("Message", game:GetService("Workspace")); msg.Text = owner.Value.Name.." was the loser!"; wait(2); msg:Destroy(); end;
function initRound() pickMap(); loadCharacters(); startTimer(roundTime); declareLoser(); end;
-- run
wait(.2); while true do if game:GetService("Players").NumPlayers >= 2 then initRound(); else wait(); end; end;
Lol I tried to add one but Im not that good at scripting