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I need help with pathfinding , Im really bad at it. Can anyone help?

Asked by
Poine 30
8 years ago
while wait(0.1) do

path = game:GetService("PathfindingService"):ComputeRawPathAsync(script.Parent.Torso.Position,game.Workspace.MagnTest.Position,511)
points = path:GetPointCoordinates()


local xde = nil

for p = 1,#points do
    part ="Part")
    part.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric
    part.CanCollide = false
    part.Size =,1,1)
    part.Position = points[p]
    part.CFrame = part.CFrame -,3,0)
    part.Anchored = true
    part.BrickColor = BrickColor.DarkGray()
    part.Parent = game.Workspace.Points
    part.Name = "part"..p..""
    xde = "part"..p 

local zaa = game.Workspace.Points:GetChildren()

for i = 3,#zaa do
    local mag1 = script.Parent.Torso.Position - game.Workspace.Points:FindFirstChild("part"..i).Position
    local mag = mag1.Magnitude
    repeat wait() print(mag) until  mag <= 10
end end

Zombie walks to the first part and then just stops.

If you're going to test this in your place make sure you put an empty model called "Points" first.

1 answer

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Answered by 8 years ago

To start, I highly suggest you try to use more descriptive variable names. xde and zaa doesn't really say a ton about what the variable does. Also, you would probably be better off directly using the points table directly, rather than creating a new Model of Parts and iterating through that.

Despite those minor issues, the main problem is in these lines:

local mag1 = script.Parent.Torso.Position - game.Workspace.Points:FindFirstChild("part"..i).Position
local mag = mag1.Magnitude
repeat wait() print(mag) until  mag <= 10

You only calculate the distance to the next point one time, and then expect it to change within the repeat loop. You have to put the magnitude calculation inside the loop:

local torso = script.Parent.Torso
local point = workspace.Points:FindFirstChild("part" .. i)
repeat wait() until (point.Position-torso.Position).magnitude <= 2 -- Also, 10 studs is a little far for these purposes, so I bumped it down to 2

Hope this helps -- let me know if you need tips on making this code look and perform more streamlined.

I see what you mean , I did it , didn't work at the start but once I changed minimum magnitude to 4 from 2 it worked like a charm, thanks! Poine 30 — 8y

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