Parameters in connection lines?
Is there any way to use parameters inside of a connection line? For example, if I had a function like this:
1 | function awesomesupercoolfunction(parameter) |
2 | print ( "Wow, " ..parameter .. " is great." ) |
And I wanted it to fire on a MouseEnter event,
1 | creativenameforabutton.MouseEnter:connect(awesomesupercoolfunction) |
or something like that, how would I go about doing this?
I tried
1 | creativenameforabutton.MouseEnter:connect(awesomesupercoolfunction(parameter)) |
just in case it was that simple, but it wasn't. Is there any way to do this? I can accomplish what I want to do without it, it would just make the process much more simple. Any help would be appreciated!