Since the dynamic lighting system is voxel based, is there a way to get the lighting value of a specific voxel?
I need to have a script detect the lighting present at certain points.
Look backwards
Okay, so realistically this is exactly the same as looking forwards, but that's normally against the point. To get the most basic sense of if it is illuminated, you'll have to use a lot of raycasting to get the visibility of lights.
local desc = function(i) local queue = {}; local returns = {}; local v = i; while v do local t = v:GetChildren(); for i = 1, #t do local v = t[i] if v:IsA("PointLight") then returns[#returns+1] = v; end queue[#queue+1] = v; end; v = queue[#queue]; queue[#queue] = nil; end; return returns; end; local CachedLights; local function GetBasicLighting(Point, useImpliedSkyLight) CachedLights = CachedLights or desc(workspace); local LightingValue = 0; if useImpliedSkyLight then if not workspace:FindPartOnRay(, game.Lighting:GetSunDirection()*500)) then LightingValue = 1; end; end; for i=1,#CachedLights do local v = CachedLights[i]; local p = v.Parent; while not (p:IsA("Part") or p == workspace) do p = p.Parent end; if p ~= workspace then pos = p.Position; local dir = pos-Point; if dir.magnitude < v.Range then if workspace:FindPartOnRay(,dir)) == p then LightingValue = LightingValue + v.Brightness*(dir.magnitude/v.Range); end; end; end; end; return LightingValue; end;
How does it work?
Really basically. First it checks if it can see the sun. If it can, it assumes it's fully illuminated. After that, it goes through all of the PointLights (And assumes only PointLights) and checks if it can see them, if they're in range, and then adds their brightness as a fraction based on the range.
I'd actually use an RGB value and convert that to brightness later but there's not much difference from a basic standpoint, but if you were being pedantic and really didn't care about performance then that would be the 100% accurate performance-eating lighting value grabber.