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Asked by 8 years ago


I have recently began development of a database for a group. Within my database, I have a section for points (you earn them @ trainings etc), discipline, medals, and logs. My end goal is something similar to that of RAT's InfoCenter.

Now, I have the points and discipline parts working. The logs and medals, however, are a problem because I am trying to fetch an array from the SQL database. The PHP code I have developed can do this, but the true problem lies in getting the array from the server back to roblox. The array must also be able to be iterated through.

Every time I use "json_encode($array);" (<< that code is PHP) and I echo it, it leads to an error when I try to decode it on the roblox server. The error is "Can't parse JSON". I tried both playing it in studio, and in game both of which fail to get the results I need.

Without further explanation, I will provide my code.


-- receives userid via remote function
-- passes userid to GET_STRIKES_API in web server

--function_ = game.ServerStorage.operating_system_q.remote_functions.invoke_f_strikes

-- ignore above ^

function get()

    local id = 17134610

    local s = game:GetService([==[HttpService]==]); -- / Assumes HttpEnabled is true
    local info = {
        userID = id;        
    local json = s:JSONEncode(info);
    local data = s:PostAsync([=[--]=], json);
    local d = data
    local new = s:JSONDecode(d);




        header('Content-Type: application/json');
    $JSONReceived = file_get_contents("php://input");

    $Array = json_decode($JSONReceived, true);

    $userID = intval($Array['userID']);

    $servername = "--";
    $username = "--";
    $password = "--";
    $dbname = "--";

    // Create connection
    $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
    // Check connection
    if ($conn->connect_error) {
        die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM point_logs WHERE userid=$userID";
    $result = $conn->query($sql);

    $host_array = array();
    $timestamp_array = array();
    $pointsawarded_array = array();
    $description_array = array();

    $master_array = array();

    if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
        // output data of each row
        while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
            array_push($host_array, $row["host"]);
            array_push($timestamp_array, $row["time"]);
            array_push($pointsawarded_array, $row["points_awarded"]);
            array_push($description_array, $row["description"]);

            $j1 = json_encode($host_array, true);
            $j2 = json_encode($timestamp_array, true);
            $j3 = json_encode($pointsawarded_array, true);
            $j4 = json_encode($description_array, true);

            array_push($master_array, $j1, $j2, $j3, $j4);
            $new_array = json_encode($master_array);
            echo $new_array,"\n";
    } else {
        echo "error";


The database contains two log entries with the said userid found in the lua code. Thus, the while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) section runs twice. Obviously, I have the correct server name, username, database name, and password. I simply deleted those so you don't decide to log into my database ;)

If you have any questions, please ask.

And thanks in advance.

UPDATE With the following lua code:

-- receives userid via remote function
-- passes userid to GET_STRIKES_API in web server

--function_ = game.ServerStorage.operating_system_q.remote_functions.invoke_f_strikes

-- ignore above ^

function get()
    local URLs = {}
    local id = 17134610

    local s = game:GetService([==[HttpService]==]); -- / Assumes HttpEnabled is true
    local info = {
        userID = id;        
    local json = s:JSONEncode(info);
    local data = s:PostAsync([=[]=], json);
    --local a = s:GetAsync("--", true)
    local d = data
    --local wfwe = s:JSONDecode(a)


and the same PHP code as describe above, it prints

["[\"blankdata\"]","[\"2016-02-04 04:08:37\"]","[\"1\"]","[\"blankdatal\"]"]
["[\"blankdata\"]","[\"2016-02-04 04:08:37\"]","[\"1\"]","[\"blankdatal\"]","[\"blankdata\",\"blankdata\"]","[\"2016-02-04 04:08:37\",\"2016-02-04 04:08:40\"]","[\"1\",\"1\"]","[\"blankdata\",\"blankdata\"]"]

The information "blankdata", "2016-02-04 04:08:37", and "1" were information inputted in my SQL database (not random things being printed).

I know little of PHP, but what happens when you print the encoded JSON on the ROBLOX side? HTTPService:JSONDecode is expecting a string to decode. adark 5487 — 8y
Have you tried printing the data to make sure you're getting back what you think you are? e.g., is it possible you're getting back "error" ? BlueTaslem 18071 — 8y
Can you post what the PHP file is outputting? Merely 2122 — 8y
Yea, sure. adspace44 20 — 8y
View all comments (2 more)
["[\"blankdata\"]","[\"2016-02-04 04:08:37\"]","[\"1\"]","[\"blankdata\"]"] ["[\"blankdata\"]","[\"2016-02-04 04:08:37\"]","[\"1\"]","[\"he did well\"]","[\"xEnforcer\",\"xEnforcer\"]","[\"2016-02-04 04:08:37\",\"2016-02-04 04:08:40\"]","[\"1\",\"1\"]","[\"blankdata\",\"blankdata\"]"] adspace44 20 — 8y
^ that is information from my SQL database being printed adspace44 20 — 8y

1 answer

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Answered by 8 years ago

The first problem I see: the JSON data contains two root elements. Not sure yet why.

I'm submitting this answer as I'd like to point out that you need to secure your website. All of your directories and PHP files are shown and your PHP scripts are prone to SQL-injection attacks, so anyone could corrupt your databases. This is a serious issue, please fix it as soon as possible.

I know this is an outdated answer but I feel like pointing out that there's no need to secure it because the client on Roblox has no way of seeing inside server scripts to figure out where the data is being sent to or received from. 3fs7tw 0 — 4y

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