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Moving character is breaking my server can someone help?

Asked by 9 years ago

I am working on a game which has FilteringEnabled active, when the player joins their chracter is moved to another location by changing the torsos CFrame. When the player is teleported the game seems to break, on the clients screen the player has not moved however on the server the player is moved, after this happens any movements on the client are not registered by the server.

Here is a screenshot with annotations to help you understand:

As you can see the locations are different and there is no output other that the print from my code.

Here is the serverside code:

game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player)-- Player added
        print(player.Name ..tostring(" has joined!")) -- Print player name
    player.CharacterAdded:connect(function(character)-- When the players character has been added
        print("Character Added")
        local torso = character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
        local camscript = script.CameraScript:Clone()
        camscript.Parent = character
        local RF = camscript.CamRF

            if torso then-- Run if the torso is found
                repeat wait() until torso.CFrame -- Wait for the torsos CFrame to load
                print("Torso Found, attempting to move character")
                torso.CFrame = +, 4.5, 0)
                torso.Anchored = true
                character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
                print("Character moved")
                RF:InvokeClient(player, "cam1")

The clientside code is inside the character in workspace and it only freezes the camera when the remote function is invoked.

Here is the client code:

local RF = script:FindFirstChild("CamRF")
local character = script.Parent
local head = character:FindFirstChild("Head")

repeat wait() until RF

function RF.OnClientInvoke(message)
    if message == "cam1" and head then
        local cam = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
        cam.CameraSubject = head
        cam.CameraType = "Scriptable"
        local pos = head.Position +, 1, -10)
        local targ = head.Position +, -1, 0)
        cam.CoordinateFrame =, targ)


Just noticed this in outupt:

13:01:08.517 - Replication: Can't create default object of type Players

which has been posted about before:

However this does not happen if I disable the script so I still think its my code which is the problem.

Just to add the code works fine in play solo mode MaskedVoid 15 — 9y
print(player.Name ..tostring(" has joined!")) , the tostring part is useless, "has joined!" is a string. alphawolvess 1784 — 9y

1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago

I suggest changing some ways of how your code is. I'll give the slightly manipulated code bellow with what I changed under it.

  • ServerSided
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player)-- Player added
        print(player.Name ." has joined!") -- Print player name
    player.CharacterAdded:connect(function(character)-- When the players character has been added
        print("Character Added")
        local torso = character:WaitForChild("Torso")
        local camscript = script.CameraScript:Clone()
        camscript.Parent = character
        local RF = camscript.CamRF

            if torso then-- Run if the torso is found

                print("Torso Found, attempting to move character")
                torso.CFrame = +, 4.5, 0)
                torso.Anchored = true
                character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
                print("Character moved")
                RF:InvokeClient(player, "cam1")

All I did here was remove tostring for your first print and made all FindFirstChild()'s into WaitForChild, No matter what a Torso must exist unless you do something to the Character so why use findfirstchild and risk getting nil? Also, I removed your waiting for CFrame, I do not believe you will ever need to do that. I have never had a problem with CFrame not existing. If the part is there, I feel that the CFrame should be existent as well

  • Client Sided
local RF = script:WaitForChild("CamRF")
local character = script.Parent
local head = character:WaitForChild("Head")

function RF.OnClientInvoke(message)
    if message == "cam1" and head then
        local cam = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
        cam.CameraSubject = head
        cam.CameraType = "Scriptable"
        local pos = head.Position +, 1, -10)
        local targ = head.Position +, -1, 0)
        cam.CoordinateFrame =, targ)

What I did for the above code is remove your wait for CamRF to exist, using WaitForChild will do basically the same exact thing; yield the script until it is found. I also added WaitForChild to you head variable.

Btw, 13:01:08.517 - Replication: Can't create default object of type Players is in every game on ROBLOX, I would ignore it. It's ROBLOX's fault not ours and I haven't noticed it effect anything either.

Thankyou for your help! I tried starting a new game and re-writing all the code and it seemed to work, thankyou for correcting my old fashioned coding methods :D i have been coding lua since 2010 and haven't kept up to date! I guess the place was corrupt because it was uploaded from my C: drive on my pc MaskedVoid 15 — 9y

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