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Teleporting players from one place to another at a designated time and place?

Asked by 10 years ago

Like in a hide and seek game how is that done?

2 answers

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Answered by
duckwit 1404 Moderation Voter
10 years ago

(I'm assuming that you mean teleport as in moving the player around inside a game, not moving them to a different game altogether)

You can teleport players by setting the CFrame (CoordinateFrame) of their Torso, like-so:

destinationPart = workspace.TeleportPart --The part that you want to move a player to
player.Character.Torso.CFrame = destinationPart.CFrame

As for "at a specific time", you can keep track of time in a loop like this:

timer = 0 --Keeps track of time, in seconds
delta = tick()

--This loop continually runs in the 'background' of your script
timeLoop = coroutine.wrap(function()
while wait() do
    delta = tick() - delta
    timer = timer + delta
    delta = tick()

--Now you can check when 'time' reaches a certain value, etc... for example:
repeat wait(1) until timer >= 120
--Do something after 2 minutes

Hope that helps!

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Answered by 10 years ago

Not sure exactly what you mean, but I'll do my best.

If you mean teleporting to a specific place in your game, that's easy.

Wherever you need to teleport, just teleport using the MoveTo using coordinates (Vector3 Value).

You can find the coordinates (Vector3) by placing a part and looking at its 'Position' property.

If you want to teleport to random spots, that would take a bit more work, you'd have to use a table that takes away each player and Vector3 Value for each player teleported.

However, assuming it's a flat area, the easiest way to teleport "randomly" is to use the math.random function to teleport randomly.

For example,

x = math.random(0,100)
y = 10 -- you can make this a random value as well, but it's not recommended
z = math.random(0,100)

character = game.Players:findFirstChild("") -- put player here, or if it's undefined, just remove game.Players... etc. and replace it with your character variable; just make sure it's the character, not the player (in Workspace)

character:MoveTo(, y, z))

math.random takes up to two parameters, the starting value, and the ending value.

math.random(0,100) ...will take a random value from 0 to 100.

math.random(-500,1250) ...will take a random value from -500 to 1250.

Using only one parameter returns a random value from 1 to the parameter provided,

math.random(8) ...returns a random number between 1 and 8

Using math.random() returns a random number, but it's only 0 or 1. Meaning...

math.random() ... returns either 0 or 1.

If you're feeling advanced, you could even try something along the lines of decimals, here's one way to do it, described in the wiki article on math.random I gave you:


for _ = 1, 10 do

I hope I helped you, good luck! Please consider upvoting my post!

Here's another link I thought might be helpful to you; it describes all math.x functions you can do, they're quite useful:

Mathematical Functions

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