What I've done is made ONE plugin that makes the shadows into descendants, but I don't know how to remove them again...
--That button and Toolbar stuff button.Click:connect(function() button.Click:connect(function() A = game.Workspace:GetChildren() for i,v in pairs(A) do if v.ClassName == "Model" then human = Instance.new("Humanoid") human.Parent = v human.Name = "Shadow" human.DisplayDistanceType = "None" elseif v.ClassName == "Union" then human = Instance.new("Humanoid") human.Parent = v human.Name = "Shadow" human.DisplayDistanceType = "None" end end end)
My attempt at removing
--Toolbar and Button stuff button.Click:connect(function() A = game.Workspace:GetChildren() for i,v in pairs(A) do if v.ClassName == "Humanoid" and v.Name == "Shadow" then v:remove() end end end)
Note The Maker does not also go through each descendant, which I also need help with.
Based on your orignal code you're adding 'Shadows' to models and unions who are children of workspace, but I see you want to apply this to all descendants of workspace. An easy way to do that is to write a recursive function.
button.Click:Connect(function() function addShadow(obj) for i,v in pairs(obj:GetChildren()) if v:IsA("Union") or v:IsA("Model") then local human = Instance.new("Humanoid") human.Name = "Shadow" human.DisplayDistanceType = "None" human.Parent = v end addShadow(v) --function calls itself on children of obj making it recursive. end end addShadow(workspace) end) -- and then to remove what we added button.Click:Connect(function() function removeShadow(obj) for i,v in pairs(obj:GetChildren()) if v.Name == "Shadow" and v:IsA("Humanoid") then v:Destroy() end removeShadow(v) end end removeShadow(workspace) end)