I've got this code
01 | local Values = script.Parent.Values |
02 | local Huge = 100000 |
03 |
04 | Values.Boom.Changed:connect( function () |
05 | local Nuke = Instance.new( "Explosion" ) |
06 | Nuke.Position = Main.Console.ConsoleM.Position |
07 | Nuke.BlastPressure = Huge |
08 | Nuke.BlastRadius = Huge |
09 | Nuke.ExplosionType = Enum.ExplosionType.CratersAndDebris |
10 | end ) |
Can someone explain how to fix this?
I am not exactly sure what your error is but what I see is that your script doesn't know what to do. You can try this but I am not sure it will work.
1 | function Boom() |
2 | local Nuke = Instance.new( "Explosion" ) |
3 | Nuke.Position = --"Main" .Console.ConsoleM.Position |
4 | Nuke.BlastPressure = 100000 |
5 | Nuke.BlastRadius = 100000 |
6 | Nuke.ExplosionType = Enum.ExplosionType.CratersAndDebris |
7 | end |
8 | Values.Boom.Changed:connect(Boom) |
1 Last thing. the part I have in parathesis thats green is also your error. Define the "Main" so it knows what where to position it. If this doesn't work please define what your error is up above.