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Possible to interact with roblox websites?

Asked by 9 years ago

I wanted to know if it was possible for scripts to interact with a website. Lets say you wanted only a certain rank of people to be able to promote people in your group with a script. So like when a certain command is said roblox verifys that the command exucuter is a specific group rank or above and then if they qualify to rank to target player up 1 rank. If anyone has been in a war group essentailly you can promote people with a command instead of having to switch back and fourth.

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Answered by 9 years ago

Yes, The game contacts with the site all the time. This is mainly done by loading Assets into your game. Assets include things like decals,animations,sounds,ect. Now as far as what you need it to do, that sadly cannot happen. You cannot manipulate a player's rank in the group from in-game. But there are methods of getting the rank of a player inside of a group. This would be done by use the GetRankInGroup Method. This is done like so:

1player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
3local rank = player:GetRankInGroup(groupId)
5if rank <255 then
6    print("player is not the owner of the group")

You could so see if they are even in the group by doing this

1player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
3if player:IsInGroup(groupId) then
4    print("Player is in the group")

These are better used with LocalScripts, for it is more up to date.

You could make an in game ranking system, but it still wouldnt change their rank in the actual group, a group administrator would have to do it manually


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