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How To make a Time GUI like Beach House Roleplay and The Complex and a Day and night script?

Asked by 10 years ago

Guys,Do you know how to make a Day and night script and a clock GUI just like the complex and beach house roleplay?I need help!

4 answers

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Answered by 10 years ago
local Day = game.Lighting.TimeOfDay

while true do
Day = "14:00:00"

Day = "15:00:00"

Day = "16:00:00"

Day = "17:00:00"

Day = "18:00:00"

Day = 19:00:00"

etc. Continue through this cycle.

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Answered by
LevelKap 114
10 years ago

--Although the above code is great and all, it's very long and inefficient. Try this:

Day = game.Lighting.TimeOfDay

while true do Day = 12 if Day == 12 then wait(200) -- place however many seconds you want for each Day +1 elseif Day == 24 then wait(200) -- same goes here Day = 1 end end end -- something like this would take less time as well.

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Answered by 10 years ago

this is in the models just search up day and night script

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Answered by 8 years ago
--Made by xMinerHaven, Hope you enjoy!--
--Version 1.4, Made on Thanksgiving 2015--
--Thanks for buying/using--

l = game:service("Lighting") 
r = game:service("RunService")

while true do 

(Hope this works for you)

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