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Is it possible to find the current line of code you're on?

Asked by
LuaQuest 450 Moderation Voter
8 years ago

Basically I'm just wondering if it's possible for a script to find out what line of code it's on. For example, say you wanted to make a custom error handler, and have a function return (as a string value), what line of code the error was on. How would this be done? Is this even possible?

Here's what I made for my error handler so far, but it's kinda useless since it's just different ways to use the error function:

local function errorCheck(v,err)
    if not v then
        error("Error: "..tostring(err))
    return true

print(errorCheck(nil,"the value is nil")) -- pretty much just the assert function

But instead of the script breaking, I'd want it to only return the line that the error is on, and that's it.


LoadStringEnabled is disabled, and I don't want to use loadstring for this.

Simplified question:

How do I find the line of code a function call is on?

I don't know any efficient methods, but you could redefine a variable at the beginning of every line equivalent to the line it's on, and print that on the error handler. aquathorn321 858 — 8y
yeah but masta, that only fires if the code has already broken. i'm trying to find a way to get the current line of where ever i'm calling the function LuaQuest 450 — 8y

3 answers

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Answered by
BlueTaslem 18071 Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator Super Administrator
8 years ago
Edited 7 years ago

debug.traceback() is a function that provides the current call-stack (as a string).

Thus print( debug.traceback() ) will make something that looks fairly like an error message, where the first line is the current line, and the second is the caller, etc.

Here's a simple function which cleans up the trace. Warning: this will fail on many things, it makes a lot of assumptions.

function trace()
    local msg = debug.traceback()
    local t = {}
    for x in msg:gmatch("[^\n]+") do
        local source, line, message = x:match("^(.+):(%d+):%s+(.+)$")
        if message then
            table.insert(t, {source = source, line = line * 1, message = message})
    table.remove(t, 1) -- hide trace implementation
    return t

Keep in mind that scripts can have :s in their names, messages could have colons and newlines (maybe?), and that tail-recursive1 calls get weird output that this will ignore

  1. EDIT ROBLOX does not support tail calls, so this can be disregarded 

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Answered by 8 years ago

If you pause the test in Studio, and you check the script, it should have a line in it, unless it is completely carried out, highlighted in yellow with a yellow pointer.

Hope this helped ;)

I know how to debug a program e.e... My question is asking how to have a function return the line of code it's on. LuaQuest 450 — 8y
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Answered by 8 years ago

I think this might be what you are looking for.

game:GetService("ScriptContext").Error:connect(function(message, trace, script) print(script:GetFullName().." errored!") print("Reason: "..message) print("Trace: "..trace) end

This is for something that's already thrown an error. I'm trying to find the current line of code of a function call. LuaQuest 450 — 8y

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