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Make block stay on top of another moving block without welds or CFrame?

Asked by 9 years ago

I want to make it so a cylinder will move like a wheel, but a "head" (which will be the camera's view) will be on top. If I welded the head to the cylinder, it would fall to the bottom and not roll. My question is: How do you make it so the head will always stay at the top of cylinder without using welds or CFrame? (Welds make it FOLLOW the wheel down, and CFrame makes it look all blurry while it moves)

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Answered by
adark 5487 Badge of Merit Moderation Voter Community Moderator
9 years ago

What you're asking is technically impossible.

The best method is to use CFrame to maintain the 'head's position, but update that CFrame from a LocalScript utilizing RenderStepped.

If it only needs to be stable for one person, but everyone needs to see the Head move, update the Head's position on the Server from a normal Script as well, as the LocalScript's more frequent update speed will overwrite the incoming position instantly.


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