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How do you add a sound effect when clicked?

Asked by 9 years ago

For example: If you click on a GUI button it makes a sound like FX or music.

1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago

You'll need to have a sound inside the localscript, then if you put a localscript inside a GUI it should look something like this:

2    script.Sound:Play()

This basically just makes it so when you click the button a sound that you choose will play. Hope this script helps you, and others.

Where do I put the audio ID? in the script.Sound:Play( )? or....what? ChevroletSonic123 15 — 9y
For the sound, right click the localscript. Then for audio id use this formula: '' then the sound id. For example '' will play a notification beep. Hope this helps. JamesLWalker 297 — 9y

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