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What is the appropriate equations for smashable glass?

Asked by
9 years ago

So here is what I've stuck together, and has some ALRIGHT results, looking like this:

The bits in front are products of the script, and the bit behind is a replica of the part that was converted

01local event = game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.Weapon.Smash
03function event.OnServerInvoke(plr, objHit)
04    --MATHS
05    local size = objHit.Size
06    local centerpos = objHit.Position
07    local width = size.X / 3
08    local hight = size.Y / 3
09    local x1 = centerpos.X * 2
10    local x2 = x1 / 3
11    local y = centerpos.Y * 2
12    local y2 = y / 3
13    local position =, y2, centerpos.Z)
14    local sizenew = / 3, hight / 3, size.Z)
15    local positions = {{position.X, position.Y, position.Z}, {position.X + width, position.Y, position.Z}, {position.X + (width * 2), position.Y, position.Z}--//Firstline--//
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2 answers

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Answered by 9 years ago
01local event = game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.Weapon.Smash
03function event.OnServerInvoke(plr, objHit)
04    --MATHS
05    local size = objHit.Size
06    local originalpos = objHit.Position
07    local orix = size.X
08    local oriy = size.Y
09    local oriz = size.Z
10    local x = orix / 3
11    local y = oriy / 3
12    local z = oriz
13    local x1 = originalpos.X
14    local x2 = x1 - x
15    local y1 = originalpos.Y
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x1 and y1 represent the center and since it is a 3 by 3 you do some algebra to get this

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Answered by 9 years ago

There's a smashable glass thing as a model in the toolbox, probably some kind of formula in there

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