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How should I go about third person cam manipulation?

Asked by 9 years ago

I'm still new to the camera manipulation stuff, and I don't think third person is as simple as LockThirdPerson unlike first person. Would it be efficient to make a brick that follows the players upon player added, or even work. Is their a better working/more efficient way to make it happen?

There is a setting in StarterPlayer for this. No scripts needed. fishguy100 135 — 9y
^LOL thankyou I can't believe I've pondered this so much, I attempted making a part that follows players and then making it a playeradded event and making it cam subject and all of that fancy stuff to have to script not work exactly how I wanted it and all along this was all I needed... MrDefaultMan 113 — 9y
OOF, mark this as solved. I came here to help and just found out that the issue is solved. XD lazycoolboy500 597 — 6y
Someone down vote this just to get it outa here pls. Annoying 2 year old question! OBenjOne 190 — 6y

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