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Devil fruit spawn script?

Asked by
sumi27 0
9 years ago

hi, im making a one piece game but need the df spawn script someone can tell me how is it?

you could try to clone the fruits from Replicated Storage, and make them spawn at random spawns in workspace. yoshi8080 445 — 9y
This is a request. You should have some code for us to work with. However if your question was like how would I make a spawn script that would be better. Conmmander 479 — 9y

1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago

Assuming you want random things to spawn in random places, make a model named "Spawns" and place parts where you want things to spawn then use this script:

local Spawns = workspace:WaitForChild("Spawns")
local WaitTime = 5 -- Change 5 to the time between something spawning
local PartBeingSpawned = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("ITEM") -- Change ITEM to what's being spawned

while wait(WaitTime) do
    local Part = PartBeingSpawned:Clone()
    local Spawn = Spawns:GetChildren()[math.random(1,#Spawns:GetChildren())]
    Part.Position = Spawn.Position
    Part.Parent = workspace
thx it worked!! sumi27 0 — 9y

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