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How do I make items only for a certain teams Inventory?

Asked by 11 years ago

I want to make it so that only certain teams can have certain items when they spawn, but want the other team to be able to pick them up if they are dropped. Would I have to code something? Or would I just have to drag and drop something?

3 answers

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Answered by 11 years ago

Maybe you should......Use the studio and drag something to teams area

e.e Is it really that simple? Tallestmidget7 95 — 11y
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Answered by
Vicctus -2
11 years ago

Well, theirs a script that where when you drag a tool, or weapon, into the team, it automatically gives it to just that team.

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Answered by
Maliux 0
11 years ago

Heres a Script that works just drag the tools into the teams on the teams section.

PM Me on Roblox for questions My Username is Maliux

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