First, I have 2 scripts that work together to get the tanks speed this is 1:
wait(0.35) script.LastPositionUpdater.Disabled = false while wait(1) do local Plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local Tank = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(""..Plr.Name.."'s_Tank") local speed = (Tank.Hitbox.Position - script.LastPosition.Value).magnitude print(speed) Tank.Hitbox.TankSpeed.Value = speed end
this is 2:
while wait(1) do local Plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local Tank = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(""..Plr.Name.."'s_Tank") script.Parent.LastPosition.Value = Tank.Hitbox.Position end
What they should do is get the speed of the tank in studs per second, it doesn't work or I dont think it does because what the script is outputing doesn't look like what the tank is really going. Here's an example, you can see by the texture in the baseplate that tank is going atleast 1.5 studs per second atleast 1 stud per second even, but the output is showing lower numbers: