I'm trying to save a JSON string using the following code
print(data) print("Lengh " .. #data .. " / 65536 " .. math.ceil(#data/655.36) .. "%") DataStore:SetAsync("SaveData",data)
The result is
{"NickName":"<Nick Name>","Sbucks":0,"ShipParts":[],"Tools":[],"Inventory":{"Coal":3},"Access":5,"Admin":0,"Female":false} Lengh 122 / 65536 1% Player -1 leaving 16:45:44.471 - HTTP 500 (HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error) 16:45:44.472 - Script 'ServerScriptService.SurfaceData', Line 87 - global save 16:45:44.473 - Script 'ServerScriptService.SurfaceData', Line 92 16:45:44.473 - Stack End
The resulting string is correct, but it won't save.
changing the last line to DataStore:SetAsync("SaveData","Hello")
works perfectly, it even loads.
Is it because the string it's self has double quotes or something? Should i replace invalid characters with somthing else like single quotes? What exactly can SetAsync handle?