I don't know what I'm doing wrong. It works flawlessly in Studio, but doesn't do anything (let alone printing a string) while Online.
What I'm trying to accomplish is if the script finds a model with a folder named "Appearance," it'll change the model's parts' brickcolor to the value of the brickcolorvalue (Appearance.SkinColor.Value)
I'm trying to experiment with things, so the following code may look weird to some.
Document = game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("Doc") Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera while wait(.5) do -- "refresh" every .5 seconds for index, value in pairs(Camera:GetChildren()) do if value:IsA("Model") then local Appearance = value:findFirstChild("Appearance") if Appearance then print'a' for index, skin in pairs(value:GetChildren()) do if skin:IsA("Part") then skin.BrickColor = Appearance.SkinColor.Value end end elseif not Appearance then print'o' end end end end
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