I keep getting the output '11:37:53.720 - Workspace.Model.Button.Main:25: bad argument #2 to '?' (string expected, got Object) 11:37:53.723 - Script 'Workspace.Model.Button.Main', Line 25 11:37:53.724 - Stack End 11:40:06.226 - Auto-Saving...'.
How can I fix this issue?
local config = script.Parent.Parent.Config local price = config:WaitForChild("Price") local itemName = config:WaitForChild("ItemName") --[[ -Variables- -Main Code- --]] script.Parent.Touched:connect(function(hit) if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then local plr = game.Players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name) if plr:FindFirstChild("active").Value == false then plr:FindFirstChild("active").Value = true local plrGui = plr:WaitForChild("PlayerGui") local popUp = plrGui:FindFirstChild("PurchasePopup") popUp.Frame.P1.Text = "Are you sure you want to buy "..itemName.Value.." for "..price.Value.."pts?" popUp.Frame.Visible = true local function buy() local points = plr:WaitForChild("leaderstats").Points local active = plr:WaitForChild("active") if points.Value >= price.Value then points.Value = points.Value - price.Value active.Value = false popUp.Frame.Visible = false local tool = game.Lighting[itemName] tool:Clone().Parent = game.Workspace end end local function cancel() local active = plr:WaitForChild("active") active.Value = false popUp.Frame.Visible = false end popUp.Frame.Accept.MouseButton1Down:connect(buy) popUp.Frame.Ignore.MouseButton1Down:connect(cancel) end end end)