My goal was to create a brick, and name the brick and position it to (0,0,0). As of now, the brick was created and the position was correct, not sure if the name was.
On line 2, you wrote: =,0,0)
This code, it's extremely incorrect.
The output states that game is not a valid member of var1, this is because game is not inside of var1, as it is locked.
The correct code would be:
var1.Position =,0,0)
For the other part, remove the current part and add this:
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr) plr.CharacterAdded:connect(function(char) if plr.AccountAge > 10000 then print("String") end end) end)
There is nothing wrong with this part of the code, just that you should use the playeradded function.
The reason it doesn't print is because the account age is 0.