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Can DataStores save Strings?

Asked by
Kyokamii 133
9 years ago

I'm making an RPG and i'm currently at the point of making a save system. And I would like to know if DataStores saves strings?

You can I believe, but I think it would be easier to do this: PlayerObject:SaveString("key","string"). You can do the same with numbers, booleans, and instances, to (SaveNumber, SaveBoolean, SaveInstance) TheDeadlyPanther 2460 — 9y
Data persistence is deprecated-making such a suggestion is a horrible idea unmiss 337 — 9y
@TheDeadlyPanther as jack said, Data Persistence is deprecated, and my game uses universes. Kyokamii 133 — 9y

1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago

Yes, thats how datastore works. DAtastores are used to save VALUES of any type. Whether it be string or number. You can use it to say your strings to a unique id for each player and load them as you please


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