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How do I fix my Floating Horse problem?

Asked by 9 years ago

Hey guys, I'm pretty new to scripting, and i've been working on this one problem for hours, and i feel like I'm close to a solution but i just can't figure it out on my own. I'm not looking for a completed script, just maybe a suggested function or functions to use or something.

So I have a ride-able horse that works basically the same as a hovercraft, it hovers and basically glides along the ground to move. The problem is there is water in my game and I don't want the horse to be able to float above the water. I have been trying to figure out how to make the horse fall when it isn't above land, but the only things i could think of were things that had to do with range, like if the horse was a certain distance away from land it would remove the seat which would make the horse fall theoretically. I came up with this, but it doesn't work.

local HOOF = script.Parent
local BP = HOOF.BodyPosition
local VS = HOOF.Parent.VehicleSeat
GRASS = game.Workspace.Land.Grass

function inRange(part1, part2, range)
    return (part1.Position - part2.Position).magnitude <= range

while wait(0.5) do
if VS and inRange(Workspace.Horse.VehicleSeat, Workspace.Land.Grass, 5) then


I realize if this script worked it would do the opposite and actually remove the seat if it IS in range, but if i could get it to work like this i can just flip it to make it happen when out of range.

Thanks so much for any and all help! You guys rock!

You're checking the position between yourself and the grass, when you want to check between yourself and the water. Perci1 4988 — 9y

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