only the first if works but if the first if doesnt work, it doesn't even check the rest of the elseifs please help me
killsafe.Changed:connect(function() while killsafe.Value == true do wait() for _, v in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do if safe1.Value == false then if v:findFirstChild("ball") then if v.ball.Parent.Name == part1.Name then d1.Parent = v.ball.Parent del.Value = true print("safe") end end -- SCRIPT DOESNT WORK AFTER THIS elseif safe2.Value == false then if v:findFirstChild("ball") then if v.ball.Parent.Name == part2.Name then d1.Parent = v.ball.Parent del.Value = true print("safe") end end elseif safe3.Value == false then if v:findFirstChild("ball") then if v.ball.Parent.Name == part3.Name then d1.Parent = v.ball.Parent del.Value = true print("safe") end end end end end end)