I made a lerp script and I was trying to make the bricks move to a certain but tween smoothly back to the original Position when mouse button up. How would I make it tween smoothly back to the original position without the brick having a spasm?
local FB2 = cam.RandoStuff.brick1.Weld local start = cf(.1, -.9, 0) local endit =cf(-1,-2,0) local moving = false Mouse.Button2Up:connect(function() moving = false for i = 0, 1, .088 do wait(0.0009) FB2.C0 = endit:lerp(start, i) *cfang(RAD(90), 0, 0) end end) Mouse.Button2Down:connect(function() moving = true for i = 0, 1, .088 do wait(0.0009) FB2.C0 = start:lerp(endit, i) *cfang(RAD(90), 0, 0) end end) if moving==false then ---- I think this is the problem. I want it to tween smoothly back into the original position -- as soon as Mouse Button 2 goes up i = 0, 1, .088 FB2.C0 = endit:lerp(start, i) *cfang(RAD(90), 0, 0) end