I'm not sure how to use TouchSwipe help?
TouchSwipe returns 3 arguments. SwipeDirection, NumberOfTouches and GameProcessedEvent.
SwipeDirection is which way the user swiped (e.g Right, Left, Up, Down, None). NumberOfTouches is how many fingers were held down. GameProcessedEvent returns true if the user swiped in the menu, chat or anything that is handled by the CoreScripts.
This is a simple usage of it:
game:GetService("UserInputService").TouchSwipe:connect(function(swipeDirection, numberOfTouches, GPE) if GPE == false then --Code will only run if you didn't swipe in the menu, chat or anything handled by the CoreScripts. if swipeDirection == Enum.SwipeDirection.Up then print("User swiped up!") end end end)
This code is tested and working.