EDIT:One of my friends helped me solve the problem can you please close this post?
So I was making this generation script that generates blocks in the serverstorage to the size and position of a part I made in workspace which works almost perfect. The main problem is that I do not know how to actually get it to the correct exact position this part is can you help me?
for x = 3 , workspace["Mining Gen Area"].Size.X-16 do for z = 3 , workspace["Mining Gen Area"].Size.Z-16 do local part = game.ServerStorage["Terrain Blocks"].Dirt:Clone() part.Parent = workspace["Terrain Top"] part:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(CFrame.new(x*part.PrimaryPart.Size.X,workspace["Mining Gen Area"].CFrame.Y,z*part.PrimaryPart.Size.Z)) end end
if you helped thanks ~KIHeros