So I've finally figured out tables (yay!!). I wanted to specify a certain player from the players service based on these certain conditions: 1) the player is ~= nil 2) the players position/CFrame is CLOSEST to a certain part than all the other players 3) the players health is ~=0
Ive converted the the list of players into a table. I'm iterating through ll the values, but i'm stumped on how to compare one of the properties of a table value to the rest of the values. Here's what I got so far.
wait(1) players = game.Players:GetChildren() for i,v in pairs(players) do if v.Character.Torso.CFrame-BLANK then --do stuff end end
I want BLANK to stand for all the other players positions. I'm trying to specify the player closest to a part.
To do this, you would use magnitude.
print((part1.Magnitude - part2.Magnitude).magnitude)
Prints the distance from part1 to part2.
So, you would implement it like this:
function getMag(p1,p2) local num = (p1.Magnitude - p2.Magnitude).Magnitude return num end wait(1) players = game.Players:GetChildren() local chars = {} for i,v in pairs(players) do if otherRequirements then -- your other requirements chars[v.Name] = getMag(v.Character.Torso,otherPart) -- your other part here end end --- this is the comparison vvvv local smallest = 0 local plr for key,v in pairs (chars) do if smallest == 0 or v < smallest then smallest = v plr = key end end print(plr.Name.. " is the closest, with a distance of " ..smallest.. " studs!")
To explain:
The function at the top of the code is simply a way to shorten the way of getting the distance between two parts.
Line 14 inserts a value into the "chars" table, with a the key being the player's name.
The for loop runs through the "chars" table, checking to see if the current value in the "chars" table is smaller than the value "smallest". If it is, it sets "smallest" to that value, and sets the "plr" value to the value's key.
Finally, it prints the results.
I hope this helped!
What you could consider doing is implementing a temporary holding variable. For example:
wait(1) players = game.Players:GetChildren() temp = 0 for i,v in pairs(players) do if --[[Condition]] then if temp > v.Position then temp = v.Position end end end
So, you would compare the holding variable to the active, and if it's bigger/lower then set it equal to that.