It's something I've been wondering, I've tested around with server sided parts, but I'm not quite sure if local parts are able to work with a gamepass. I've tried to make a script which is shown below, which doesn't work. Info: The script Is a local script in StarterGui
MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService") PassId = 271665163 modelname = "Door" modelnametwo = "Other Door" function respawned(char) local player = game.Players:FindFirstChild(char.Name) if MarketplaceService:PlayerOwnsAsset(player, PassId) then local parts = game.ServerStorage[modelname] parts:Clone().Parent = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera else local block = game.ServerStorage[modelnametwo] block:Clone().Parent = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera end end
I've tested this but the parts won't even clone, also the output has no errors. Please have an explanation so I'll be able to understand why this wouldn't work.