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Scripts in ReplicatedFirst don't work when Cloned in?

Asked by 9 years ago

I have an AI that I'm working on. It's located in ReplicatedFirst, and it clones in when a trigger is triggered. However, the scripts located inside the AI don't work when it is Cloned to workspace. Is there any reason why this might be? I didn't post any code because this isn't a problem affecting a certain script, its affecting all the scripts. Any help?

NOTE The scripts work in Test mode, however not in an actual server. Just something I thought I should mention.

UPDATE There are no errors in output, so I don't know what the problem is either. They're all normal scripts (not local), and they just won't work. In each script I put a "print("Working")" in the very first line to see if the print fired, and none of the prints fired. So it's not a coding error, its something about the scripts themselves (their location maybe?)

Can you give more details? Are they Scripts or LocalScripts? Can you give some minimal test case and show some code? BlueTaslem 18071 — 9y
Your explanation sounds a little ambiguous. What exactly is the structure and flow of this that you're trying to get working? User#6546 35 — 9y
may you please give more insight as others are asking, we literally have no idea what your trying to do. And we dont have a script to find an error koolkid8099 705 — 9y
Update to question, read above ZeMeNbUiLdEr 104 — 9y

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