Hello. I made a big script, but after realized that it won't work good in Server mode, so I started it from scratch. Why LocalScript from ReplicatedFirst (that moved to playerGui later) can't Invoke BindableFunction? I have Settings file in ServerScriptStorage, special script that return parameter OnInvoke and this LocalScript. Looks like:
local settings = game.ReplicatedStorage.Api.getParam print(settings:Invoke('Version', script)[1])
But LocalScript done nothing. Server script not even received OnInvoke from Localscript. Is there a special limitation? How to fix it?
BindableEvents/Functions only work one side of the network
Similarly, RemoteEvents/Functions only work across the network. Tricky.
A BindableFunction being invoked on the client will only invoke the function attached by a LocalScript. Similarly, invoking it on the server will only invoke functions on the server. Try using a RemoteFunction