I've come about this problem many times, I am trying to make and so called "TimeLength" bar, which means when a song textbutton is clicked, it plays the sound (already scripted). The problem is, I am trying to make it to on a bar it shows the length of the sound in minutes, ROBLOX currently has it in seconds so it would be 120 instead of "2:00". How is it possible to covert the seconds into minutes, place them on a textbox and making a frame move using tweensize to go with the music as the iPhone has.
If you didn't know what I mean by "tweensize to go with music as the iPhone as" its that bar that goes when the music plays, stops at the end, at the same time as the song."
Its very important that I can find this out fast, so please help if you can ;)
To answer your question:
local num = 120 -- how many seconds at maximum local sec = 0 local min = 0 while num > 60 do sec = sec - 60 min = min + 1 end sec = num local maxsec = sec local maxmin = min local maxsec2 = num local text = script.Parent.left local text2 = script.Parent.max local barholder = script.Parent.BarHolder -- this is the size of the bar local bar = barholder.bar text2.Text = "Song Length:" ..maxmin.. ":" ..maxsec while wait(1) do if song.IsPlaying then sec = sec - 1 if sec == 0 then min = min - 1 end local sec2 = 0 sec2 = (min * 60) + sec text.Text = "Time Left: " ..min.. ":" ..sec bar:TweenSize(UDim2.new((1/maxsec2)*sec2,0,1,0),"InOut","Quad",0.1,true) end end
This should do it. Sorry, but I don't have time to explain. PM me if you have problems. I'm EmeraldSlash.