So basically what the script does: Whenever I press "F" my character plays a animation and adds "1" to basic swingcombo. Basicswingcombo determines what animation and skill I am using. Function swingcombo() is basically the time the player has to use all three attacks before it resets back to the first one. In general - it's a combo move that the player has to use all three of the 'attacks' before the timer resets the skill.
During testing, it repeated the action twice, and did all three actions all at once instead of one action and then waiting on wait(0.6) delay to attack again.
player = game.Players.LocalPlayer character = player.Character mouse = player:GetMouse() storage = game.ReplicatedStorage basic = false skill = false basicswingcombo = 0 local swordani ="Animation") swordani.AnimationId = "" local swordani2 ="Animation") swordani2.AnimationId = "" local swordani3 ="Animation") swordani3.AnimationId = "" function swingcombo() wait(2.5) basicswingcombo = 0 print("swing reset") end function click() end function onKeyPress(inputObject, gameProcessedEvent) if character.Humanoid.Health > 0 and character:FindFirstChild("StunEffect") == nil and basic == false then if basicswingcombo == 0 then basic = true swingcombo() basicswingcombo = basicswingcombo + 1 local animTrack = character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(swordani) animTrack:Play() print("1") elseif basicswingcombo == 1 then basic = true basicswingcombo = basicswingcombo + 1 local animTrack2 = character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(swordani2) animTrack2:Play() print("2") elseif basicswingcombo == 2 then basic = true basicswingcombo = basicswingcombo + 1 local animTrack3 = character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(swordani3) animTrack3:Play() print("3") else basicswingcombo = 0 print("Reset") end wait(0.6) basic = false end end game:GetService("UserInputService").InputBegan:connect(onKeyPress) mouse.Button1Down:connect(click)