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A about Script with Pairs?

Asked by 9 years ago
c = {1,2,"a","d",c = 12, q = 20}
for i,v in pairs(c) do


I'm trying to understand this code. So does pairs basically turn i and v to variables of the table c in this script? I get what this script does and I get if you change the letter in parenthesis after pairs and the letter before table to the same the script still works. I just cant get myself to understand this like why would people do it like this, maybe we need two variables for the same table? since pretty much i and v equal the same thing now? I might sound a bit lost but yeah.

Update: How come when i print i by itself when theres a variable the variable letter prints. and but when i print v by it self the variable value prints

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Answered by 9 years ago

Pairs iterates over a table

I won't talk about the technicalities of pairs because that's for people asking about how foreach loops like that work. Pairs goes through every entry in a table and returns the key and value pair at each iteration.

For example:
Say I had a table like

t = {
key = 'value';
key2 = true;

And a bit of code that prints out the contents of the table like so

for k,v in pairs(t) do

You can expect the output to be
1 1
2 2
3 3
key value
key2 true


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