I'm making my own chat system and noticed that now, ROBLOX removes their '/' to type along with everything thing else. So, I need to make my textbox function and I'm using the Input service and checking for / so the play may begin typing, However, I do not know how to stop the player from typing to the textbox if they press / a second time. Here is what I tried, but it will fire if the player presses anything else after pressing /:
UserInput = game:GetService("UserInputService") Plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer Typing = false UserInput.TextBoxFocused:connect(function() Typing = true UserInput.TextBoxFocusReleased:wait() Typing = false end) UserInput.InputBegan:connect(function(Pressed) if Typing == false then if Pressed.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Slash then print("Started to type") UserInput.InputBegan:wait() print("Decided to end typing") end end end)
If there is a Tutorial on wiki about things like this, a link would help too