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Why does this give me an error?

Asked by
Wubblu 20
9 years ago

So my code is:

playerName = script.Parent.Parent.Parent game.Workspace.playerName.remove()

But it says "playerName is not a valid member of Workspace" Why?

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Answered by
BlueTaslem 18071 Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator Super Administrator
9 years ago

There are a bunch of things wrong with this.


Methods are functions that act on objects. You use : to call them, instead of ..

Also, in ROBLOX all methods are Uppercase (though for many lowercase is valid it's deprecated). You're also recommended to use :Destroy() over :Remove().


When you say workspace.playerName, you are asking for the thing name "playerName" -- it does not care what the variable playerName is, it's asking literally for something with the name "playerName". There is no such thing, and the error is informing you of this.

If you want to get based on a variable, you use obj[variable] instead of, e.g., game["Workspace"] is the same thing as game.Workspace.

Thus it would be workspace[playerName]:Destroy()


However, playerName isn't a name at all -- it's a model. If you wanted to get the .Name of script.Parent.Parent.Parent, you should do that explicitly.

But there's no point in doing that, since you can just :Destroy() the player directly:

player = script.Parent.Parent.Parent

It's a bad idea to "look up" the name when you could just hold onto the object itself.


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