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How to weld parts to a player?

Asked by 9 years ago

I made an awesome model that I want players to be -- I'm not requesting a script.

I'm just wondering how would I weld a part to a person? Like in those Dinosaur Simulator games on roblox. They got rid of the player and replaced it with what they made. How would I just put a brick onto a player? Not asking for a full-fledged script, just like a beginning script for me to start off on.




Only asking for something as simple as that.

1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago

These type of question are really not constructive are they? By doing a simple search you would of found what you would need to know do this instead of basically asking us: Here is a function I made, can you add code to it to make it do this?!?

When you're welding a BasePart to one of the ligaments of a Character you should make the ligament opaque by changing its transparency to 1 to make it looks like it not there then replace it with BasePart you made.

I never even asked you to make a function. I JUST said it was a damn example. I simply said "Start me off" I said that twice in fact. if your comprehension skills are that low then you don't need to be here. james24dj 90 — 9y

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