I want to make a tutorial thing for first time players, but how would I tell if it is their first time joining my game?
If this works +1 and accept please
So you want to check if it's the players first time joining eh? Well the ideaology behind it is saving a value this value could be an int,string,bool but as long as it's there it shows that the player has been there. For server checks that stay in the server it could be as simple as making a model and checking if theres anything in there saying that player has joined.
modelcheck = game.Workspace.ModelCheck game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) if modelcheck:FindFirstChild(player.Name) == nill then check = Instance.new('BoolValue') check.Name = player.Name check.Parent = modelcheck elseif modelcheck:FindFirstChild(player.Name) ~= nill then print("Player's not first time here") end end)
Ideaology for the entireity of your game
So, server for the entire game is a little different, you would need to save the value over all your servers. For this you would use a form of data persistance I usually use data store.
local DataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("Points") game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) key = player.Name if DataStore:GetAsync(key) then print("Player Exists") else print("Player Doesn't Exist") DataStore:SetAsync(key, true) end end)