Trying to animate a part with a velocity script but it's not working. Help?
gear = game.Workspace.Wheel function GearUp() wait(3) gear.Velocity =,0,0) wait(3) gear.Velocity =,0,0) wait(3) gear.Velocity =,0,0) wait(3) end
Well, there's a few unknowns here that need explanation before further analysis.
One, are you calling GearUp()? It doesn't appear to be called in your provided code.
Two, are you trying to make object move rotate or move in a direction? The script you've provided makes it move in a direction, not rotate.
Three, assuming you do want it to move in a direction, are there any objects blocking the gear from moving along it's desired path?
Four, is it anchored?
Five, directly setting Velocity is ugly and makes roblox's online play very sad. You should use one of the BodyObjects to interact with physics.