so i've been making a game on studio and i want people to all spawn with a certain outfit. but i don't know how. does anyone know?
Glad to know you're interested in CharacterAppearance!
Let's take a look at an example script we could use:
PlayerID = "" -- The ID of the player who everyone would like it. game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function (newPlayer) newPlayer.CharacterAppearance = "" ..PlayerID newPlayer:LoadCharacter() end)
Glad you asked. I won't provide a script, since you didn't show effort, but I'll provide an explanation. You'd use the CharacterAdded event to detect when a Player's character spawns. After that, I recommend searching if it contains a T-Shirt, Shirt, and Pants (T-Shirt is ShirtGraphic I believe), then delete them. After deleting them, create new ones, with your own ids. That's pretty much it!