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How do you filter out instances by its name? Properties?

Asked by 9 years ago

Not asking for a script but tried to look all over roblox wiki, i couldn't find it.

What I mean by filter out instances by property is the part only get edited when it has a certain name or something. For example: There are 3 parts named "Blocky" and other parts named different and 3 of those parts can be edited by script because it has the certain name.

I am gonna use this for recoil patterns

    for _,w in pairs(rpattern) do
            if w:IsA("Vector3Value") then           
                if tonumber(w.Name) == 5 then -- This is the filter. If the name is 5 then below gets activated using w's or rpattern's properties.
                    rnum = rnum + 1
                    local camrot = cam.CoordinateFrame - cam.CoordinateFrame.p
                    local camscroll = (cam.CoordinateFrame.p - cam.Focus.p).magnitude           
                    local rcl = * camrot * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(w.Value)
                    cam.CoordinateFrame = rcl*, 0, camscroll)

heres the code i have so far just incase you want to help me

I'd really like it more if you answer how to filther instances by its properties (size, vector3, color, etc.).

You have to explain what you mean. Filter a list? Which are you interested in the first place? All of them? All of them in a model? Only children of a model? Do you only want ONE answer or do you want ALL of the things that match? BlueTaslem 18071 — 9y
edited. Happy? ;3; supermarioworld323 45 — 9y
Have you tried setting up the 'if' statement on line 3 to see if the Value's Name is a Number ('tonumber' can convert a string-number to a number-number, but can also return a 'bool', I think)? :) TheeDeathCaster 2368 — 9y

1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago

well, its really simple, so you kinda have an idea. you made it overly complicated. i was thinking like in the explorer only showing certain instances without outside uses for this, you want to use tables, basically

local workspacestuff = worspace:getChildren()
local checkmodels = false --change this if you want it to go through models as well
 for n, p in pairs(workspacestuff) do
if p:IsA("Model") and checkmodels == true then
for n2, p2 in pairs(p:GetChildren())do
if p2.Name == "wat" then
if p.Name == "wat"
I want an answer, not another question please. supermarioworld323 45 — 9y
i gV YOU A POSSIBL ANSWER. BUT THAT IS SO BROAD, FILTER OUT WHERE. THAT IS THE THING YOU SHOULDA ADDED. i did not realize caps was on, sorry. TheGreatRobloxianWar 0 — 9y
K I edited, can you give me an answer now? supermarioworld323 45 — 9y
yes TheGreatRobloxianWar 0 — 9y
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tell me if there was anything you want added TheGreatRobloxianWar 0 — 9y
Exactly what I was looking for! supermarioworld323 45 — 9y
awesome TheGreatRobloxianWar 0 — 9y

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