16:23:33.954 - Players.Player.Backpack.Mainframe:132: attempt to perform arithmetic on a userdata value fgui.GUI.Size = UDim2.new(0.3, 0, 0.02, 0) * (Fuel/MaxFuel)
So you are making a bar that changes size depending on the amount of fuel?
Here is a better way of doing what you were doing:
local maxFuel = 100 local fuel = maxFuel while wait() do script.Parent.BarHolder.Bar:TweenSize(UDim2.new((1/maxFuel) * fuel,0,1,0),"InOut","Quad",0.1,false) -- this is for a bar on the X axis, not the Y, to have it on Y, simply change the first argument to 1 end
This is for a length wise bar , not height wise. To change, simply swap the first argument of UDim2.new() with the third.
Tweens change the size/position of a gui smoothly.