My code is supposed to create three teams, give them all an anti-tk sword, and then when I click it again it's supposed to change the teams of the people in the three teams to "Trainees" and delete the teams. Currently the script creates the teams, gives the players in the teams swords (With help from another script) And then deletes the teams when I click it again. It does not, however, create the teams again after the first pair of clicks or change the teams of or respawn the players in the three teams. If you could help me out that would be great!
button = script.Parent local on = false function clicked() if (on == false) then local team1 ="Team") team1.Name = "Spectators" team1.Parent = game.Teams team1.AutoAssignable = false team1.TeamColor = ("Institutional white") local team2 ="Team") team2.Name = "GreenTeam" team2.Parent = game.Teams team2.AutoAssignable = false team2.TeamColor = ("Earth green") local sword = game.Lighting.atk sword:clone() sword.Parent = game.Teams.GreenTeam local team3 ="Team") team3.Name = "PurpleTeam" team3.Parent = game.Teams team3.AutoAssignable = false team3.TeamColor = ("Royal purple") sword:clone() sword.Parent = game.Teams.PurpleTeam on = true elseif (on == true) then game.Teams.Spectators:remove() game.Teams.GreenTeam:remove() game.Teams.PurpleTeam:remove() game.Teams.GreenTeam.atk:remove() game.Teams.PurpleTeam.atk:remove() on = false end end script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(a) clicked() end)