so basically im making a custom character script, that replaces the player's character with my own model. The problem im having is my script only works for like 5 second before turning the character back to normal. How would i keep this permanent? This is located inside of player starter scripts. Its also a module script inside this script
wait(1) local player while not player do wait() player = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer end --local face = player.Character.Head.face:Clone() function onSpawn() local char = game.ReplicatedStorage.CustomCharacter:Clone() --local SpawnLocation = game.Workspace.SpawnLocation --face.Parent = char.Head char.Parent = workspace char.Name = player.Name --char:MoveTo(SpawnLocation.Position) --[[for _,v in pairs(char:GetChildren()) do v.BrickColor ="Deep blue") end]]--skin color local prevChar = player.Character wait() player.Character = char prevChar:Destroy() if char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then char.Humanoid:Destroy() end local human ="Humanoid", char) char.Archivable = false human.Died:connect(function() wait(1) onSpawn() wait(.1) player.Character.Humanoid.Running:connect(whenRunning) player.Character.Humanoid.Jumping:connect(whenJumping) player.Character.Humanoid.FallingDown:connect(whenFalling) player.Character.Humanoid.FreeFalling:connect(whenFalling) end) local character = char local animTbl = require(script.Animations)(character, character.Humanoid) --Remove prints if they lag local onGround = true local prevAirType = 'grounded' local inAirType = 'grounded' local canPlayIdle = true local canPlayWalk = false local canPlayJump = false local canPlayFall = false function whenRunning(speed) prevAirType = inAirType inAirType = 'grounded' onGround = true if speed > 1 then canPlayIdle = true if canPlayWalk == true then canPlayWalk = false print("walk") animTbl:stop('idle', character.Humanoid) animTbl:play('walk', character.Humanoid) end else canPlayWalk = true if canPlayIdle == true then canPlayIdle = false print("idle") animTbl:stop('walk', character.Humanoid) animTbl:play('idle', character.Humanoid) end end end function whenFalling() prevAirType = inAirType inAirType = 'fall' onGround = false end function whenJumping() prevAirType = inAirType inAirType = 'jump' onGround = false end character.Humanoid.Running:connect(whenRunning) character.Humanoid.FreeFalling:connect(whenFalling) character.Humanoid.Jumping:connect(whenJumping) end onSpawn() player.Character.Humanoid.Running:connect(whenRunning) player.Character.Humanoid.Jumping:connect(whenJumping) player.Character.Humanoid.FallingDown:connect(whenFalling) player.Character.Humanoid.FreeFalling:connect(whenFalling)
what i would do is just create the parts and then weld it to the player :\