I am making a giant robotic boss of some sort and one of its attacks includes firing 4 giant laser beams, however, it doesn't work correctly all the time.
This is how it should work : http://imgur.com/dZjsdBF
However, a lot of the time it just rotates weirdly to the side like this: http://imgur.com/fIrvkiS
Anyone know how to fix this? Is there a different technique I could use to pull this off? I included a simplified version of the script, the main lines are the ones labeled "Point Downward" and "Point Upward"
--The part called special is the part it points too function laser() local LaserGyro=script.Parent.Direction.LaserGyro LaserGyro.MaxTorque=Vector3.new(900000000000, 900000000000, 90000000000) LaserGyro.cframe = CFrame.new(script.Parent.Direction.Position, Vector3.new(Special.Position.x,Special.Position.y-400,Special.Position.z))--Point Downward wait(2) --wait till it goes upward LaserGyro.cframe = CFrame.new(script.Parent.Direction.Position,Vector3.new(Special.Position.x,Special.Position.y+500,Special.Position.z))---Go upward! LaserGyro.P=300 --There are lines here for turning on the damage for the lasers and stuff wait(3) --Lines that stop things such as sounds and lasers end LaserGyro.MaxTorque=Vector3.new(0,0,0) BodyGyro.MaxTorque=Vector3.new(9000000, 9000000, 9000000)