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How should I yield until TweenPosition finishes?

Asked by 9 years ago

Lets say I'm moving a GUI with tweenPosition.

GUI:TweenPosition(UDim2, nil, nil, TIME);

I don't want to do anything until tweenposition finishes. How do I implement this?

Events? Or do I have to use the sketchy wait() until?

repeat wait() until GUI.Position == UDim2 -- the same UDim2 from above
Why not wait the same length of time you put in the TweenPosition (TIME)? General_Scripter 425 — 9y

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Answered by 9 years ago
GUI:TweenPosition(UDim2, nil, nil, TIME);

This will wait until the tween is complete

In terms of what I was doing, I was trying to make a GUI tweenPosition to two places successively. Problem was, Wait(TIME) is not very consistent. Turns out all I really needed to do was turn on override randomsmileyface 375 — 9y

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